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Arno Klarsfeld

le 1 septembre 2005


Je me demande combien de temps vous tiendrez page ouverte à Arno Klarsfeld dont on ne sait plus s’il est Français ou Israélien. Les propos de ce Virgile de Sharon “Arma virumque cano...” concernant l’évacuation de Gaza, parus le 31 août 2005, sont parfaitement insupportables: Bien entendu les malheurs des palestiniens “c'est le destin que leurs leaders ont choisi pour eux”, les Israéliens n’y sont pour rien.
Quand iil dit que “Ce désengagement permet (...) de placer théoriquement les Palestiniens au pied du mur”, il fait, je pense, une fine allusion à la “barrière de sécurité” qui isole peu à peu les palestiniens. Quel humour... Mais quand il compare l’occupation des territoires à notre présence en Algérie et en Nouvelle Calédonie, je ne le trouve plus drôle du tout.
Son admiration pour Israël ne craint même pas le ridicule: “Dans combien de villages français de 700 habitants les gens parlent-ils plusieurs langues, étudient à l'étranger et font souvent partie d'unités d'élite?” Évidemment on peut regretter qu'à Trifouillis les Oies il n’en soit pas ainsi.
Admirons avec Klarsfeld l’infinie courtoisie de l’armée Israélienne pour expulser les récalcitrants qui tranche quelque peu avec les bulldozers utilisés contre les Palestiniens, et soyons rassurés “Les familles seront raisonnablement indemnisées”
Considération distinguée

15:35 Publié dans Blog | Lien permanent | Commentaires (1)


Tout à fait d'accord avec ce qui est écrit dans 'Blog'.
Voici l'e-mail que je viens d'envoyer à et;;;
Dear people,

In your very interesting copy not one time is mentioned Zionism.
You are the Institute for the Study of Genocide, International Association of Genocide Scholars.
How is it possible for you to explain scholars what happened and what actually is going on – without mentioning the existence of Zionism?
When you don't underline the difference between Jews and Zionists, you shouldn't wonder that the Jewish people is counted as responsible for Zionist crimes.
Just like the German people was and is counted as responsible for Nazist crimes.
Actually German history writing has the courage to be objective.
It seems to me absolutely necessary that the Jewish history writing is as courageous.
Siemon Wiesenthal has said: "The murderers of the history prepare the murders of tomorrow".
But Wiesenthal never answered me about Zionism, neither Samuels.
Nobody is perfect.

About 'anti-Semitism': you should explain that this is a Zionist invention.
So the religious opposition was moved from the religious field to the racist field.
When Semite Jews are attacked, this is criminal racism.
When Zionists attack Semite Palestinians, why shouldn't be this criminal racism?
In this objective light Zionist Sharon and Zionist Israel can be considered as example of most criminal ant-Semites.

You should be honest, and enter upon the Zionist problem.
If you wouldn't – you are co-responsible for the confusion between guilty Zionists and not guilty (but too uninterested) Jews.
Like the Germans, the Jews (and you) would say 'wir haben es nicht gewußt' – 'we don't have known.
Now you know.
Here above I remembered what Wiesenthal advised.
Serge Klarsfeld has said: "The genocides have appeared in periods of crises, of wars amid totalitarian regimes. Diplomacy and republican values constitute the bases of a preventive education, wise and responsible."

Thanks for your attention.
Best wishes,
Charles Destrée,
Former Dutch Resistance fighter against the German occupier of the Netherlands, former war volunteer against the Japanese occupier in Asia.
Thanks to my father's advises the German Jewish singer Rosi Hahn who had taken refuge in Holland didn't stay there, but went to England and was safe. Several Jewish refugees found protection in our family home and were helped to safe addresses.

Écrit par : Charles Destrée | 21/09/2005

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